Evaluation of EVA waste and PU-coated textiles as lightweight aggregate in Portland cement-based matrix
EVA waste, PU coated textile waste, Lightweight aggregate, Partial replacement of conventional construction sandAbstract
The present paper evaluates the influence of recycled lightweight aggregates (LA) based on EVA waste and PU-coated textiles as a partial replacement for conventional construction sand (CA) at 25% and 50% content. The compressive strength, water absorption and porosity of mortars were evaluated. The mortars containing 25% and 50% of AL showed a decrease in strength when compared to the control sample, however, they met the minimum standardized values. With the increase of the LA content, there was an increase in the amount of water absorbed by the samples. After 28 days, there was an increase in the porosity of the samples with 50%, due to the more irregular and porous surface of the LA compared to the CA.
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