Comparative analysis of carbonation in the life cycle and carbonation curing of rendering mortars with the use of biochar for carbon sequestration




Rendering Mortars, Biochar, Carbonation Curing, Natural carbonation


The cement industry is responsible for up to 8% of global CO2 emissions. The replacement by more sustainable processes has motivated research into new building materials that can mitigate the effects of global warming. Biochar (biochar) obtained from the pyrolysis of different biomasses is one of these alternative supplementary materials and the use of carbonation, for carbon sequestration, is a recognized technology. The objective of this work is to comparatively evaluate the carbonation in the life cycle and in the carbonic curing of mixed mortars with biochar in the contents of 5% and 20% of cement replacement. Compressive strength tests, capillary absorption, pH chemical indicator and assessment of CO2 capture in the life cycle and through carbonic curing were carried out. Mortars with biochar, carbonated naturally in an internal and accelerated environment, showed an increase in carbon capture and recovery in mechanical strength.

Author Biographies

Elias Franco Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

Aluno de graduação

Thaís Xavier Silva, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

Aluna de graduação


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How to Cite

Neves Junior, A., Oliveira, E. F. ., & Silva, T. X. . (2023). Comparative analysis of carbonation in the life cycle and carbonation curing of rendering mortars with the use of biochar for carbon sequestration. ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE APROVEITAMENTO DE RESÍDUOS NA CONSTRUÇÃO, 8(00), 1–8.

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