Author Guidelines
We welcome four types of submissions:
(1) Full-length papers (8 pages-long);
(2) Structured abstracts (up to 500 words);
(3) Industry testimonies of practical resilience engineering applications (up to 500 words). These will also be submitted as a structured abstract albeit with different topics, and
(4) Workshops (1 hour-long; e.g., interactive games with attendees, round tables debating key topics for the community).
Submissions must be presented in MS-Word (docx) format.
The templates for formatting full papers, abstracts, and industry reports are available below:
There is no formatting requirement for the workshop proposals. Submissions will be peer-reviewed, resulting in one of three possible outcomes: accepted for oral presentation, accepted for poster/lightning talks, rejected. All accepted contributions will be published in electronic symposium proceedings with ISBN. Submissions deadlines are as follows:
January 15, 2025: submissions open
March 31, 2025: submissions close
April 30, 2025: submissions close
May 15, 2025: outcome notification to authors
At least one author of each accepted contribution must register to the conference. The registration deadlines are as follows:
February 20, 2025: early bird registration opens
May 31, 2025: early bird registration closes
September 30, 2025: registration closes
Contributions related to a wide range of resilience engineering and resilient healthcare topics are welcome. They can be theoretical, empirical or a combination of those. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
1. Theoretical developments in resilience management
2. Strategies, tools, design, and interventions for translating resilience into practice
3. Adaptive capacity and self-organization in everyday work
4. Measurement of resilience
5. Policy-making and regulations supportive of resilience
6. Digital technologies supportive of resilience
7. FRAM and other tools for modelling resilience in complex socio-technical systems
8. Safety-II
9. Resilience in crisis management
10. Resilience to climate change and natural disasters
11. Simulations, training, and games for learning and developing resilience competences
12. Cost-benefit of resilience
13. Intersection between individual and organizational resilience
For enquiries concerning papers, please contact Prof. Eder Henriqson, the chair of the scientific committee, at A link dedicated to the submissions will be available soon.
For issues best addressed by the local organization committee, please contact Priscila Wachs at
Kind regards on behalf of the local organization and scientific committee,
Prof. Tarcisio Saurin – conference chair
Prof. Eder Henriqson – scientific chair
Prof. Arie Adriaensen – scientific co-chair, Resilience Engineering Association
Prof. Jane O´Hara – scientific co-chair, Resilient Health Care Society
Prof. Janet Anderson – scientific co-chair, Resilient Health Care Society
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