Veículo aéreo não tripulado como suporte à gestão de fluxos físicos em canteiros de obra




VANT, Fluxos Físicos, Canteiro de Obras


The present work intends to analyze the application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) as a tool to aid in the management of physical flows in small construction sites. This perspective is mainly aimed at reducing transportation losses, as well as activities that do not aggregate value, both based on the principles of Lean Construction. The methodological aspects of this research are related based on the application of a case study. The study in question used as an experimental field a small work located in the municipality of Camaçari, state of Bahia, involving the following methodological steps: (i) data collection: by means of survey, photographic record, observation of movements and use of UAV to obtain aerial photographs, (ii) diagnosis: in order to understand the current situation  movements and disposal of materials) and (iii) proposal: which consists in the elaboration of a new site layout. The products prepared for the respective analyzes were thematic and georeferenced flow maps, whom, relate restrictively to the masonry execution service. The orthophotos obtained by the UAV were manipulated in Geographic Information System (GIS) software, allowing the identification of the distances walked by the workers in the execution of the analyzed service. The results indicated that the application of these tools can provide significant gains in reducing activities that do not aggregate value. In front of the proposed layout change, the construction site presented a reduction in transport losses of 41.8% in the ceramic block transport activity and 28.8% in the mortar transport activity, both related to the brick masonry service. The adopted method proved to be satisfactory for the understanding of the physical flow activities at the site in question, especially regarding the reduction of transport losses.





Como Citar

SACRAMENTO, Iran Carlos Caria; CAMPOS, Vanessa Rodrigues; FERNANDES, Vivian de Oliveira; FERREIRA, Emerson de Andrade Marques. Veículo aéreo não tripulado como suporte à gestão de fluxos físicos em canteiros de obra. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE GESTÃO E ECONOMIA DA CONSTRUÇÃO, 11., 2019. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: ANTAC, 2019. p. 1–10. DOI: 10.46421/sibragec.v11i00.4. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 mar. 2025.



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