Evaluation of the physical, mechanical and thermal properties of biocomposites containing rice waste in the natural weathering


  • Francieli Tiecher ATITUS Educação
  • Nicole P. Hasparyk Eletrobras-Furnas
  • Aline Soares ATITUS Educação
  • Rodrigo Almeida Silva ATITUS Educação
  • Romildo Toledo Filho Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




Rice husk, Rice husk ash, Bioconcrete


This work aimed to investigate the influence of the use of wastes from rice industry in the physical, mechanical and thermal properties of bioconcretes in order to reduce environmental impact of their improper disposal and also to reduce mining natural sources generally used in Civil constructions. Bioconcretes were cast with rice husk as aggregate and rice husk ash by Portland cement substitution, which were exposed to environment over 9 months. The following properties were assessed: drying shrinkage, water absorption, compressive and tensile strength and thermal conductivity. The increase in the content of rice hush promoted a gain in the porosity of bioconcretes and also in the absorption as well as a decrease in the compressive strength. Drying shrinkage also have increased. On the other hand, with higher content of rice husk as aggregate, thermal conductivity was improved. This behavior suggests a potential use of bioaggregates to prepare lightweight panels.


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How to Cite

Tiecher, F., Hasparyk, N. P., Soares, A., Silva, R. A., & Toledo Filho, R. (2023). Evaluation of the physical, mechanical and thermal properties of biocomposites containing rice waste in the natural weathering. ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE APROVEITAMENTO DE RESÍDUOS NA CONSTRUÇÃO, 8(00), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.46421/enarc.v8i00.3682

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