If the walls could talk: an analysis of the acoustic factors of a region in the city center of Arapiraca on habitability conditions

uma análise dos fatores acústicos de uma região no centro da cidade de Arapiraca sobre as condições de habitabilidade





Sound mapping, Traffic noise, Urban Planning


Contemporary urbanism brings forward some acoustic questions that need to be answered within the Brazilian context, among them there is the encouragement to live in the central regions of cities. This work aims to evaluate the acoustic conditions and their influence on the habitability conditions in a section of the central region of Arapiraca, Alagoas. A central part of the city was chosen as a case study because it is located in a precarious region with high noise levels generated in the surroundings and because it concentrates several uses and services nearby, such as a hospital, municipal market and street market. Information on land use and occupation, building dimensions, public and private areas, urban density and residential typologies was collected and this information was cross-referenced with traffic noise mapping in the region. Several factors were identified that prejudice the conditions of habitability and that reflect on the well-being of the population, with extremely dense blocks on the edges, houses built on narrow and long lots without land setbacks and with slight permeability to the winds. All evaluated residential lots are located in extremely noisy areas, outside the normative limits. The inside blocks, quieter regions, are used as garages and warehouses for stores. Despite being a very noisy area, it was possible to conclude that the population resists living in the locality, where minimum parameters to favor comfort in buildings are not encountered, causing damage to the population. Inhabiting central regions is an extremely necessary proposal for Brazilian cities, but it will only be possible from an investment in public policies that allow possible housing conditions with building codes and Master Plans of cities that take acoustic issues into account.

Author Biographies

Gabriel Caetano Soares, UFAL

Architecture and urban planning student at the Federal University of Alagoas (Arapiraca - AL, Brazil).

Anthony Marcell de Menezes Barbosa, UFAL

Architecture and urban planning student at the Federal University of Alagoas(Arapiraca - AL, Brazil).

João Pedro Santos da Silva, UFAL

Architecture and urban planning student at the Federal University of Alagoas (Arapiraca - AL, Brazil).

Elisabeth de Albuquerque Cavalcanti Duarte Gonçalves, UFAL

PhD in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Associate Professor at the Federal University of Alagoas (Arapiraca - AL, Brazil).


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How to Cite

SOARES, Gabriel Caetano; BARBOSA, Anthony Marcell de Menezes; SILVA, João Pedro Santos da; GONÇALVES, Elisabeth de Albuquerque Cavalcanti Duarte. If the walls could talk: an analysis of the acoustic factors of a region in the city center of Arapiraca on habitability conditions: uma análise dos fatores acústicos de uma região no centro da cidade de Arapiraca sobre as condições de habitabilidade. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 17., 2023. Anais [...]. [S. l.], 2023. p. 1–10. DOI: 10.46421/encac.v17i1.3734. Disponível em: https://eventos.antac.org.br/index.php/encac/article/view/3734. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



1. Acústica Arquitetônica e Urbana

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