Rain gardens as urban adaptation tool
Methodological proposal applied to the city of Niterói
floodings, climate change, adaptation, infiltration techniques, urban drainageAbstract
Climate change is causing a range of environmental impacts, including extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall and flooding. Rain gardens are a green infrastructure solution that can help mitigate the impacts of these extreme events. This paper proposes rain gardens as a tool for urban adaptation to the consequences caused by climate change. The methodology consists of the dimensioning and design of a rain garden in the central region, in the city of Niterói, based on data from the selection of the urban area, characterization of the rainfall regime and calculation of the water infiltration capacity in the soil. Depending on the conditions observed in loco, a rain garden with a layer depth of 1.05 meters was calculated, with a storage capacity of up to 8400 liters of water, equivalent to an effective annual average precipitation of 1159 mm. It is hoped that this proposal for a rain garden model can be implemented and multiplied to ensure the adaptation of less vulnerable urban centers to challenges, especially climate change.
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