Pedro de Freitas GoisAcoustic performance: comparative study between computer simulations and field tests for airborne noise isolation
estudo comparativo entre simulações computacionais e ensaios de campo para o isolamento de ruído aéreo
parede maciça de concreto, ensaio de campo, simulação computacionalAbstract
In Brazil, the performance standard, NBR 15575 (ABNT, 2021), is used as reference for evaluating the sound insulation of internal vertical seals, which has loss of sound transmission criteria (DnTw) in function of the environment used. Therefore, it is essential that in the project elaboration phase, tools are used to take advantage of the estimation of the DnTw. This work aims to carry out a comparative analysis between the field tests and sound insulation simulations of 28 fences internal verticals. For the simulations the SONarchitect ISO software was used to the prediction of sound insulation for the internal seals, performed by massive concrete walls, in 10 different buildings in the states of Pernambuco, Paraíba and Bahia. We sought to evaluate environments with volumetry not very different, to have more representative evaluation. AN comparative analysis shows a variation of at most 2 dB between the results obtained in simulations and field tests. An analysis regarding the performance, shows that the simulations were 97% correct if compared with the field results. Therefore, it is concluded that a modeling computational is a reliable tool for evaluating constructed seals by solid concrete wall, provided they are correctly modeled, and that their deviations are considered.
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