The influence of proposal transformation of urban block on the microclimate of Largo Santa Cecília in São Paulo-SP, Brazil
Microclimate, Urban planning, Trees, ENVI-metAbstract
The microclimate is influenced by urban form. The Plano Diretor Estratégico (PDE) organizes city’s growth and provides guidelines for its development. The project proposal for the transformation of an urban block aims to meet the PDE and incorporate trees on the sidewalks and inside the block, aiming at improving the microclimate. The research aims to verify the influence of the project on Largo Santa Cecília (São Paulo, SP) with numerical simulations in ENVI-met. The simulated scenarios correspond to the original and project situation of the study block in February 9, 2018. In loco measurements were used to verify the accuracy of the model and the variables of air temperature, surface temperature and Sky View Factor were analyzed to identify the effect of the project on the block. The results demonstrate that the project provides a decrease of 0,5 °C to 0,9 °C in air temperature, 12 °C in surface temperature and decreases by up to 0,4 the Sky View Factor with the use of afforestation. These data encourage the use of numerical model to verify the influence of urban projects on the microclimate.
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