Remodeling of public green spaces. Evaluation of comfort conditions in the case of Plaza San Martín Mendoza – Argentina.
evaluación de las condiciones de confort en el caso de la plaza San Martín Mendoza – Argentina
Remodelling of urban squares, Thermal comfort, Design criteria.Abstract
This work aims to evaluate the thermal comfort conditions resulting from the design criteria with which the squares of the city of Mendoza are currently being remodeled. To this end, the design of the San Martín square (city of Mendoza, Argentina) from 1970 is comparatively analysed with respect to its remodeling in 2018. Methodologically, three representative design schemes of the square were characterized from the thermal and spatial point of view: forest, meadow and center. Measurements were made with fixed and mobile stations that recorded microclimatic data - air temperature, solar radiation, wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure-. The SVF value was determined with the RayMan program and thermal comfort was calculated with the COMFA method. The results show that the evaluated green structures maintained or improved the thermal and comfort conditions. While the center structure substantially increased its discomfort condition due to the increase in sealed surfaces and solar exposure. It is highlighted that the design decisions have slightly impacted in terms of benefits and significantly in terms of damages on the thermal habitability of the plaza.
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