As preocupações com o desempenho acústico no desenvolvimento de leiautes de pavimentos de edifícios de apartamentos multipavimentos
um estudo comparativo
Edifícios de apartamentos, acústica arquitetônica, isolamento sonoro nos edifíciosAbstract
The Brazilian standard NBR 15575, which deals with the performance of residential buildings, has a great impact on the civil construction industry in our country at all stages of the production chain. Entering into force in 2013 and presenting requirements and criteria for several items, the aforementioned standard regulates aspects of acoustic performance in residential buildings in Brazil. It is worth mentioning that the indicators related to the sound performance of the materials that make up the buildings were unprecedented in the Brazilian territory, making the actors of housing production in Brazil seek to adapt to this new demand. It is worth mentioning that the acoustic performance, especially the transmission of airborne noise between environments, is fundamental for a good environmental quality, since, among other benefits, it provides privacy to the housing units. In this sense, based on the analysis of the indicators referring to sound insulation and its relation with the dividing environments of different apartments, contained in NBR 15575, this work evaluates floor layouts of apartment buildings designed before and after the entry into force of that standard verifying whether the acoustic performance of the housing units was used as an assumption in its elaboration. It was found that both in buildings designed before the entry into force of NBR 15575, as well as in buildings after NBR 15575, the requirements that favor the good acoustic performance of the building, based on the separation of different apartment environments, as recommended in the standard, were not attended to in the development of the layouts.
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