Comparison of analytical methods for obtaining the equivalent strength of sandwich panels produced with different connectors
Thermal performance, NBR 15575, Sandwich panels, Equivalent thermal resistance, FRP connectorAbstract
Sandwich panels are a type of wall consisting of two layers of concrete, and an inner layer of insulating material. They are commonly used as an option to improve thermal performance of buildings internationally, but they are little explored in Brazil. Moreover, the metallic connectors commonly used to join these layers generate thermal bridges that can reduce this performance. The use of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) connectors has emerged as an alternative. The aim of this work is to calculate the equivalent thermal resistance of a sandwich panel with two types of connectors by different analytical methods to verify the impact on the results regarding the level of thermal performance by the simplified method normative. The methods are: ASHRAE's Parallel Flow and Isothermal Planes, and ABNT NBR 15220:2005’s. Although differences between them were detected, they were not enough to change the result of thermal performance by the simplified method of ABNT NBR 15575: 2021 for any Brazilian bioclimatic zone, being reached the minimum level for all of them.
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