


noise map, urban noise, sound intensity


The noise from the urban environment causes damage to the population's quality of life. Information about urban noise pollution can provide conditions for planning and urban design in a strategic way. On the other hand, the growth of cities, population growth, increased use of vehicles and the number of traffic jams, makes noise a part completely associated with the daily lives of people in urban centers. Thus, this research aims to analyze the environmental noise in urban areas in Vitória-ES. In the methodology, measurements of sound intensity were carried out, data collection from the Vitória city hall about noise complaints and finally the making of a noise map. The collected data were carried out in two moments, in the year 2021 and in the year 2023. Smartphones were used in the quantitative diagnosis of sound intensity. Measurements were performed on two days for each year, one working day and one non-working day, using ABNT NBR 10151 as an analysis parameter and the values adopted by the “Disque Silêncio” of Vitória. It was possible to observe that the measurements carried out, on the non-working day (Saturday) of the year 2021, showed milder noise levels, but still higher than the minimum established by the “Disque Silêncio”. In the measurement carried out on a working day, in the year 2021, and in the two measurements carried out in 2023, it was found that the values obtained in the measurements exceeded both limits, ABNT and “Disque Silêncio”. It was also observed that in 2021, most of the complaints made to the denouncement channel of the city of Vitória, were related to the night period due to the noise caused by vehicles. However, in 2023, this percentage decreases by 21.9% at night and increases by 3.5% during the day.

Author Biography

Júlia Cometti Saiter , UFES

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Espírito Santo


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How to Cite

LARANJA, Andrea Coelho; SAITER , Júlia Cometti. ANALYSIS OF URBAN NOISE POLLUTION IN VITÓRIA - ES BASED ON THE USE OF SMARTPHONES. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 17., 2023. Anais [...]. [S. l.], 2023. p. 1–9. DOI: 10.46421/encac.v17i1.3885. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.



1. Acústica Arquitetônica e Urbana