Assessment of the lighting design and analisys of the integration of natural and artificial lighting using computational simulation




Natural lighting. Artificial lighting. Iluminance. Computer simulation.


This work presents the evaluation of the lighting design of a classroom (Atelier 3) located in the FAUrb – NZEB UFPel annex building, proposing a reduction in the number of light fixtures, based on the design based on the lumen method, without compromising the recommended illuminance and uniformity values. by standard NBR 8995/2013.A reduction in the spacing of the luminaires is proposed, with the aim of increasing the comfort and visual safety of the environment. An analysis of the dimming of artificial lighting was also carried out according to the availability of natural lighting, performing simulations in the Dialux software, based on the NBR 15215-4 standard, with the objective of evaluating the estimated savings of electricity generated in the recommended period. The results showed the possibility of reducing the number of luminaires, initially conceived by the lumen method, without compromising the minimum illuminance values, and it was possible to increase the uniformity value by moving the luminaires apart in the distance between column/wall. In the dimming analysis simulations, it was noticed that, when using artificial lighting as a supplement to natural lighting, there is an estimated reduction in energy consumption of 61% on 06/22 and 76% on 22/12.

Author Biographies

Caroline Pilenghi, UFPEL

Electrical Engineer. Researcher of the postgraduate program in Architecture and Urbanism


Architect, researcher of the postgraduate program in architecture and urbanism


Architect and urban planner. Researcher of the postgraduate program in architecture and urbanism


Architect, Doctor and professor of the postgraduate program in architecture and urbanism


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How to Cite

PILENGHI, Caroline; LUCAS, Bianca; WILGES, Mônica; GRALA, Eduardo. Assessment of the lighting design and analisys of the integration of natural and artificial lighting using computational simulation. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 17., 2023. Anais [...]. [S. l.], 2023. p. 1–10. DOI: 10.46421/encac.v17i1.4073. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



5. Eficiência Energética