
  • Júlia May Vendrami Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Martin Ordenes Mizgier Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


building simulation, HAMT, EMPD, Humidity


Building simulation models have improved over the years, but the assessment of mass and moisture transfer inside buildings still presents challenges, such as the lack of material data. In EnergyPlus there are thermal and hygrothermal balance models, which consider mass transfer or not, among them the CTF (Conduction Transfer Function), the basic model of EnergyPlus; EMPD (Effective Moisture Penetration Depth) and HAMT (Combined Heat and Moisture Transfer), the latter two taking into account the hygrothermal properties of the materials and are considered suitable for predicting the internal relative humidity and the first not. This study aims to compare the results obtained with the use of different models of heat and mass transfer and with different levels of air renewal, in the simulation of a residential building using the EnergyPlus 9.3.0 software, evaluating the differences in a climate with high relative humidity, city of Florianópolis-SC. For this, a residential building was modeled and simulated with the different models of heat and mass transfer: CTF, called Reference, EMPD and HAMT. The simulations had as parameter the variation of air infiltration, being considered 0.3 air changes per hour, 1 air change per hour and 5 air changes per hour. It was observed that the models show greater variation in relative humidity the lower the rate of air infiltration, getting closer when there are more air changes in the environment. The results of relative air humidity differences differ, reaching 41 percentage points. The HAMT model presented average annual relative humidity values up to 3% higher than the reference and more stable throughout the year than the reference. The EMPD model presented mean annual relative humidity values up to 2% lower than the reference and greater variation in the humidity values than the reference. The results obtained demonstrate the difference between the values using different algorithms and different infiltration rates.



How to Cite

VENDRAMI, Júlia May; MIZGIER, Martin Ordenes. APLICAÇÃO DE DIFERENTES MODELOS DE TRANSFERÊNCIA DE MASSA NO ENERGYPLUS. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 16., 2021. Anais [...]. [S. l.], 2021. p. 628–637. Disponível em: https://eventos.antac.org.br/index.php/encac/article/view/4446. Acesso em: 8 jan. 2025.



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