Pathological Manifestations, Termography, Damage MappingResumo
The building facades must be planned to suit the climate and exposure that they are submitted to. However, when it comes to historic buildings, the exposition changes over time, especially when they are in big cities downtown area. The surroundings of these buildings are modified, the pollution and mechanical stress levels are intensified compared to the period degradations. That said, to preserve the buildings and to establish a basis for possible nondestructive tests. In this context, the objective of this work is to present the mapping and the analysis of manifestations of the Radio building facades, from the visual, photographic and thermographic analysis, and the percussion test. These show that there is mortar detachment, stains caused by dirtiness, humidity or biodeterioration, paint detachment, and a high incidence of cracks on all facades. Using thermography, it was possible to notice that the base of the building presented lower temperatures, indicating humidity and, in other points, higher temperatures, indicating the presence of air due to mortar detachment.
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