
  • Claudia Gasparetto
  • Andrea Yuba
  • Karina Latosinski
  • João Pinto



Sustainability, Technology Transfer, Energy, Booklet, Bamboo


Photovoltaic system is an option to provide energy for remote areas. Although this kind of system is complex and expensive, its assembling is quite simple. Although simple, the assembling is not used as an opportunity to interact with local communities. It is a good chance to know the habits of the communities, aiming to create resilient systems. The photovoltaic system is constituted by panels, racking system and inverter. If water pumping is desired, then electrical pump is also part of the system. This paper presents the process of defining a good way to transfer the construction process of the proposed ground mounted racking system, based on a case study. The concepts of technology transfer and proper technology were used. Products were designed to transfer the technology, being them: a small-scale prototype, a website, a QR Code to link to the website, a video and a downloadable booklet. These products intend to cover a wide range of nowadays communication channels. A workshop will be carried out in Jamaica, where, besides the on site training, all these products will be used to transfer the technique to the local farmers. All these products help to make the replication of the racking system easier.


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Como Citar

GASPARETTO, Claudia; YUBA, Andrea; LATOSINSKI, Karina; PINTO, João. PRINCÍPIOS E ESTRATÉGIAS DE TRANSFERÊNCIA DE TECNOLOGIA VISANDO RESILIÊNCIA. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 17., 2018. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: ANTAC, 2018. p. 3674–3682. DOI: 10.46421/entac.v17i1.1807. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dez. 2024.



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