
  • Erik Souto de Moraes
  • Camila Rovaris
  • Katia Regina Garcia Punhagui



Construction, Housing, Environmental impact, Wood


The objective of this research is to analyze the emissions of CO2 and incorporated energy (IE) in the production of housing in Brazil, seeking strategies to mitigate environmental impacts. As a methodology, the housing scenario was characterized; the intensity of the wall; consumption of material by constructive technique; and CO2 and IE emission factors of materials, masonry and wood. The results show that the wall intensity is equivalent between the constructional techniques (~2.2m2w/m2ba), however the masonry presents higher material consumption. The volume of wood consumed in two houses of this technique (0.104m3/m2ba), only in the boxes, would be enough to build a wooden dwelling (0.110m3/m2ba). Despite this, CO2 emissions were higher in wood buildings (2,090kg/m2ba), considering the use of native wood from unsustainable sources. That replaced by planted wood would reduce an order of magnitude (38kgCO2/m2ba), being lower than that of masonry (414kgCO2/m2ba). The IE was higher in masonry (1,169MJ/m²ba), due to the higher consumption of materials such as cement, lime and ceramic block, as well as the use of planted wood (needles) that require drying in an oven. Possibilities of mitigation of the impacts are related to the origin of the materials and increase of the industrialization.


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Como Citar

MORAES, Erik Souto de; ROVARIS, Camila; PUNHAGUI, Katia Regina Garcia. PRODUÇÃO DE HABITAÇÕES NO BRASIL: ESTUDO COMPARATIVO DE IMPACTOS AMBIENTAIS, COM FOCO NO USO DA MADEIRA. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 17., 2018. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: ANTAC, 2018. p. 3743–3751. DOI: 10.46421/entac.v17i1.1817. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dez. 2024.



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