Análise comparativa do emprego do método evolutivo para avaliação de imóveis por meio de estimativa de custos e orçamento analítico




Evolutionary method, Real estate evaluation, Analytical budget, CUB, Terrain evaluation


In the present research, the evolutionary method was applied to evaluate a residential building of four floors in the city of Toledo, Paraná. Thus, the purpose of the study was to verify and compare the difference in the final value of the property, through the use of different methodologies for budget realization. For this, three budget techniques were used: analytical budget, cost estimating using the CUB category PP – 4, corrected by the addition of existing and not considered costs in the standard project and, finally, estimation by the use of the CUB classification R8 - N, corrected by a coefficient according to the constructive typology. Finally, it was possible to perform comparative analysis of the data, verifying the percentages and the best budgeting alternative for the building under study evaluation. As a result, the average values of the property were obtained for the analytical budgets, CUB PP – 4 and CUB R 8 – N, respectively: R$ 2.089.512.59, R$ 2.214.370.01, R$ 2.29.,789, 62. Therefore, it was found that in both cases, the CUB overestimates the construction value.


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Como Citar

BINOTTO, Natália; BRESSIANI, Lucia; HIRANO, Eduardo Lovera; SAVARIS, Gustavo. Análise comparativa do emprego do método evolutivo para avaliação de imóveis por meio de estimativa de custos e orçamento analítico. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE GESTÃO E ECONOMIA DA CONSTRUÇÃO, 11., 2019. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: ANTAC, 2019. p. 1–7. DOI: 10.46421/sibragec.v11i00.64. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 out. 2024.

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