Potential water consumption decrease on different architectural typologies in the Trapicheiro Watershed, RJ
Building systems, Water conservation, Architectural typologiesAbstract
ABSTRACT: The hydro sanitary building systems design plays an important role in building environmental sustainability. Regarding water conservation in buildings, distinct initiatives can optimize the operation of these systems, such as the adoption of low-flow fittings and the use of non-conventional water sources for non-potable purposes. These measures reduce drinking water consumption, economically benefiting the consumer and reducing the pressure on water availability at the urban scale. In this context, this work aims to evaluate and compare the potential for reducing water consumption in buildings, considering three architectural typologies of residential use in the Trapicheiros Watershed, in the City of Rio de Janeiro. The study indicates that the use of low-flow fittings can be a widespread sustainable solution in civil construction, regardless of the architectural typology. On the other hand, the use of rainwater depends on the catchment area. In addition, it was also observed that the potential for savings generated by households decreases with the building verticalization. Finally, it is observed that the payback obtained for the replacement of traditional sanitary fittings is acceptable for the Brazilian middle class, and it is necessary to evaluate incentive mechanisms for those from lower-income classes.
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