Study of parasitic rainwater contributions in the 4-A1 sanitary sewage sub-basin in the city of Joinville – SC
Sanitary sewage system, Parasitic rainwater,, Clandestine connections,, Sanitary sewer flow.Abstract
ABSTRACT: Currently in Brazil, the sanitary sewage collection and transport system is of the absolute separator type, in which sewage and rainwater are forwarded independently. However, most large Brazilian cities suffer from problems of overload in the sanitary sewage system, for several reasons, mainly due to clandestine connections of rainwater drainage of the residences in the sanitary sewage network. The entry of rainwater into the sanitary sewage system in a volume greater than that foreseen in the sizing can cause operational and environmental problems. Given the above, the main objective of this work is to carry out a study of parasitic rainfall contributions in sub-basin 4-A1 belonging to the sanitary sewage system of the city of Joinville - SC. For this, the methodologies employed were divided into the following steps: obtaining technical data, finding the parasitic rainfall contribution in the region under study, measuring the parasitic rainfall contribution and evaluating the results. From the present case study, it was possible to verify a significant increase in the flow of sanitary sewage of the basin 4-A1 in the days that occurrences of rain were registered, proving in this way, the real presence of the contribution of parasitic rainwater in the sewage system of sub-basin 4-A1 in the municipality of Joinville.
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