Temperature decay in PPR PN 25 pipes of different diameters for conducting hot water
Temperature Decay, Random Copolymer Polypropylene, PPR PN 25Abstract
ABSTRACT: Polypropylene Copolymer Random (PPR) is a material widely used in building and industrial installations of cold and hot water. In the transport of hot water, the water loses temperature between the beginning and the end of an analyzed pipe section, which causes loss of energy in the form of heat to the environment. In this paper it was analyzed the temperature decay in PPR PN 25 pipes in the various existing diameters, using iterative methods and computational simulations. The results obtained in Excel and Ansys Fluent showed differences lower than 0.2%, and the largest differences (0.154%) occurred in the turbulent regime analysis in Ansys Fluent. This article presents preliminary results of the research that will need further studies to achieve more accurate results.
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