Simulação do desempenho termo-energético de coberturas com PCM em 3 cidades brasileiras
Residential, Phase change material, EnergyPlus, Surface temperatureAbstract
This study aims to evaluate the potential of using phase changing material (PCM) in the roofing system of residential buildings to increase their resilience in different Brazilian climates. A simulation model was used to test four different roof configurations, which were simulated considering low and high absorptivity for three cities: Curitiba, São Paulo, and São Luís. The results highlight the importance of using complementary indicators to proceed with thermal performance analysis, as using only one indicator can hide some issues. For example, a positive result was obtained using fibro cement tiles as the only roof layer in São Luís. However, the maximum operative temperature and internal surface temperature indicators showed higher values for this alternative, requiring caution when using this solution. Regarding the performance of PCM-based alternatives, it was possible to notice better performance in the indicators used when the climate was milder. Furthermore, the best results were found among the building's passive performance indicators.
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