Green facades: potential shadow effect and solar attenuation of the specie Merremia dissecta
potencial de sombreamento e atenuação solar da espécie Merremia dissecta
green facade, cerrado, solar radiationAbstract
Vertical gardens, such as living walls and green facades, provide several benefits, including shading surfaces, reducing incident solar radiation and heat flow into buildings, and consequently decreasing the need for air conditioning. The thermal performance of each type depends on the construction structure and plant species used. Regarding green facades, which utilize climbing or trailing plants, information about species development and their contribution to solar attenuation is still scarce. In this context, this study aims to contribute to a better understanding of an indirect green facade constituted by the species Merremia dissecta, a climbing plant found in the Cerrado and other Brazilian biomes, and its potential for solar attenuation in Bauru, a city with a subtropical climate and hot summers. To achieve this, an experimental study was conducted with the climber planted in a pot (1.00 x 0.50 x 0.60m), which allowed for monitoring the species' growth, measuring incident and protected solar radiation, and determining the Percentage of Green Coverage (PGC). The results demonstrate that the species Merremia dissecta has great potential for use in green facades due to its rapid development, PGC of approximately 85%, and foliage thickness ranging from 15 cm at the lower points to 60 cm at the upper points, which contributed to solar radiation attenuation of up to 90%.
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