The influence of a body of water on the sound perception of users in an urban environment
Soundscape, Water sounds, Positive sounds, MaskingAbstract
Noise pollution has been identified as one of the main environmental problems currently in the world, responsible for several diseases. Studies on noise control, however, concluded that just reducing sound levels may not be enough to promote acoustic comfort. On the other hand, the approach based on the soundscape concept, which considers the user's perception and the context, has been shown to be effective in promoting spaces with acoustic quality. Thus, studies that seek to evaluate the acoustic environment of cities have great relevance for urban planning and for improving this scenario. This research seeks to analyze the soundscape around an urban river, through measurements of the sound pressure level, in the city of Piracicaba-SP, parallel to the application of questionnaires to verify the users' perception. The results show that the 7 evaluated points are above the limit established by the norm for that area, however only in the point with the presence of intense traffic most of the votes found indicated perception of high sound levels, emphasizing the role of natural sounds in promoting acoustically comfortable spaces.
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