Analysis of the envelope in a higher education building

application of the methodology INI-C




envelope, thermal load, INI-C, simplified method


The publication of the Inmetros’ Normative Instruction n° 42/2021 updated the evaluation methods and introduced, in the Brazilian scenario, new ways of calculating the thermal load of the envelope. Therefore, it became relevant to test the new programs made availed by the Programa Brasileiro de Etiquetagem (PBE), to better understand the variables and the applicability of the simplified method. The current paper aims to calculate the annual conduction thermal load of the envelope of a higher educational building, located at the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, by applying the simplified method of described by INI-C raising positive points and limitations of the new method. The article’s methodology involved the verification of the building’s technical information, through its architectural plans, sections, and descriptive memorial, besides the insertion of the collected data on the metamodel’s web interface in order to obtain the annual thermal load. After collecting all the envelope parameters, the web interface calculated the total annual thermal load. kW/year. Subsequently, it was made a comparison between the calculated thermal load with and without the contribution of natural ventilation. The level of energy efficiency of the building, including the percentage of hours in discomfort and the coefficient of reduction of the total annual thermal load for classification D to A. Natural ventilation allowed a global reduction of 89% of this thermal load and the classification of the individual system of the envelope reached the level A. As for the method barriers were identified in the division of thermal zones and in the final accounting of comfort hours, not possible to be made by the web interface.

Author Biographies

Anna Rita Tomich Magalhães Felippe, Federal University of Itajubá

Doctor student at the Program in Built Envoronment and Sustainable Heritage, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil

Fernando Augusto de Campos Pinheiro Moreira, Federal University of Minas Gerais

Doctor Student at the Pos Graduation Program in Built Environment and  Sustainable Heritage, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil

Fabrício Microni de Freitas Ferreira, Federal University of Minas Gerais

Master student in the Pos Graduation Program in Built Envoronment and Sustainable Heritage of UFMG, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil

Roberta Vieira Gonçalves de Souza, Federal University of Minas Gerais

Architect, Teacher at the Department of Techonology of Design, Arcuitecture and Urbanism of UFMG, Dr in Civil Engeneering in the field of Environmental Comfort

Luisa Fiorot Dell’ Santo, Federal University of Minas Gerais

Undergraduate student, Architecture and Urbanism, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil

Larissa Arêdes Monteiro , Federal University of Minas Gerais

Doctor student in the de Pos-Graduation Program  in Built Envoronment and Sustainable Heritage, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil


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How to Cite

FELIPPE, Anna Rita Tomich Magalhães; MOREIRA, Fernando Augusto de Campos Pinheiro; FERREIRA, Fabrício Microni de Freitas; SOUZA, Roberta Vieira Gonçalves de; SANTO, Luisa Fiorot Dell’; MONTEIRO , Larissa Arêdes. Analysis of the envelope in a higher education building : application of the methodology INI-C. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 17., 2023. Anais [...]. [S. l.], 2023. p. 1–10. DOI: 10.46421/encac.v17i1.3896. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.



4. Desempenho Térmico do Ambiente Construído

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