Optimization of environmental comfort in HIS of Vila Residencial da UFRJ based on an extension project





university extension, environmental confort, ergonomics


This paper presents the extension project 'Community Workshops Aimed at Environmental Comfort and Energy Efficiency of Dwellings', carried out by members of the Environmental Comfort and Energy Efficiency Study Group (AMBEE), composed of professors from Architecture and Urbanism College and Fine Arts College of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (FAU/UFRJ and EBA/UFRJ), and by students from the two units in partnership with the Association of Residents of the UFRJ Residential Village (AMAVILA). University extension is recognized as highly important in the students' education and universities, together with their faculty, have encouraged and promoted the practice of extension projects. Motivated by the need to improve environmental comfort conditions in the dwellings of the UFRJ Residential Village, the professors of the AMBEE group started this project in partnership with AMAVILA in August 2018. The objective of this extension is to identify vulnerabilities in environmental comfort and ergonomics in the residences of that community resulting from disorderly growth and suggest interventions that generate improvements in the quality of life of the residents. Through the extension project, it was possible to verify a relevant exchange of knowledge and learning between the community and the student body of the two faculties.

Author Biographies

Adriana de Almeida Muniz Alvarez, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Master's degree in Architecture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil).

Patrizia Di Trapano, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Architecture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Associate Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil).

Virgínia Maria Nogueira de Vasconcellos, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Architecture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Full Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil).


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How to Cite

ALVAREZ, Adriana de Almeida Muniz; TRAPANO, Patrizia Di; VASCONCELLOS, Virgínia Maria Nogueira de. Optimization of environmental comfort in HIS of Vila Residencial da UFRJ based on an extension project. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 17., 2023. Anais [...]. [S. l.], 2023. p. 1–9. DOI: 10.46421/encac.v17i1.3905. Disponível em: https://eventos.antac.org.br/index.php/encac/article/view/3905. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



8. Práticas didáticas em Conforto Ambiental e Ergonômico e Qualidade Ambiental