Development of low-cost shelters for measuring temperature and relative humidity
low-cost weather shelter, measurements, air temperature, relative humidityAbstract
In climatological surveys, especially those involving measurements, the aim is to standardize the data collection methodology, which involves accessibility in terms of equipment. Universities do not always have resources available for such purposes, so research in the area can benefit from the construction of low-cost alternative meteorological shelters. This research aimed to develop and evaluate the performance of a low-cost meteorological shelter for HOBO sensor equipment, for temperature and relative humidity measurements. Shelters were made using polystyrene board, having as reference the Squitter industrialized model SQ15-S1260 shelter. Sensors were installed with the shelters developed, sensors without protection and a meteorological reference station calibrated using a combination of a Campbell Scientific datalogger and a Vaisala probe, for measurements carried out in March 2023, allocated on the roof of the Laboratory of Environmental Comfort of the University from São Paulo, São Carlos-SP. The results showed that the values of temperature and humidity of the air obtained through the sensors inserted in the low-cost shelters were consistent with the data from the reference station, with values close to the identity function and within the margin of error. It was concluded that the use of polystyrene to make meteorological shelters offers reliable data, in addition to being an economically viable option.
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