The user experience design and the user's experience in the food court of a shopping center in Maceió, AL: an analysis of the environment.

uma análise do ambiente




Design, Experience, Psychology, Ambiental, Court, Food, MEAC


The study at hand aims to develop an analysis of the food court environments at Maceió Shopping, located in the city of Maceió, AL, based on the premises of Environmental Psychology and Experience Design, as well as the researcher's own perception and viewpoint. To achieve this, the Methodology for Ergonomics in the Built Environment (MEAC) was employed as the methodology, focusing primarily on the human element as users of a specific space, in order to presuppose the aspects involved in adapting the environment and how it should result from the feelings experienced by users during their interaction with the environment. In addition to MEAC, the research involved a literature review, the application of structured questionnaires sent to users via Google Forms, on-site exploratory research, and finally, the analysis of data obtained during the construction of this study.

As a result of the analyses, it was observed that Plaza 1, which is centrally located within the shopping center and has the highest number of fast-food outlets and restaurants, and is consequently the most frequented, presented more issues in all the analyzed aspects. Therefore, it is suggested that a renovation be considered for Plaza 1 in the future, similar to what has been done for food court 2, which is located near the cinema within the same shopping center. In light of the above, it became apparent how important it is to design an environment that is accessible, safe, comfortable, and functional for all individuals with different body types and mobility abilities.

Author Biographies

Yana Ramos de Araújo, Federal University of Alagoas

Bachelor's degree in Design from the Federal University of Alagoas, special student in the Master's program in Dynamics of Inhabited Space.

Morgana Maria Pitta Duarte Cavalcante, Federal University of Alagoas

Ph.D. in Architecture and Urbanism from Mackenzie Presbyterian University - SP (2014).


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How to Cite

ARAÚJO, Yana Ramos de; CAVALCANTE, Morgana Maria Pitta Duarte. The user experience design and the user's experience in the food court of a shopping center in Maceió, AL: an analysis of the environment.: uma análise do ambiente. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 17., 2023. Anais [...]. [S. l.], 2023. DOI: 10.46421/encac.v17i1.4113. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



7. Conforto Ergonômico e Qualidade Ambiental