Urban cooling strategies applying at neighborhood scale for facing heatwave events





urban cooling strategies, neighborhood, heatwaves, computational simulation


Nowadays climate change is already affecting weather and climate extremes across the world, the scale of recent changes is unprecedented. Defined as prolonged periods of excessive heat, heatwaves are a specific type of extreme temperature event. Heatwaves are among the most dangerous of natural hazards. The study explored and analyzed how the implementation of heat-stress resilience strategies can create cooler settlements at neighborhood scale in arid contexts (Metropolitan Mendoza Area-Argentina). The methodology consists in an outdoor microclimate campaign and a computational model construction and statical validation for test outdoor cooling strategies (cool materials, street trees, densified, and the combination between them) in six scenarios. Results shows that combined strategies performance better, densified+cool materials+street trees, and cool materials+street trees. These scenarios can reduce temperatures for projected heatwave events by 3.8ºC in the maximum, 1.0ºC in the minimum and 2.1ºC in the average air temperatures; and 3.8ºC in the maximum, 0.8ºC in the minimum and 1.9ºC in the average air temperatures respectively. The main approach of the study is the evaluating of feasible strategies with the scope of generate neighborhood scale planning recommendations for cities with arid climates. Further studies would determinate which resilience strategy can be the most viable and cost-effective.


Author Biographies

María Belén Sosa, INAHE - CONICET

Arquitecta por la Universidad Mendoza, Magíster en Arquitectura Sostenible y Eficiencia Energética por la Universidad Ramón Llull Barcelona, Doctora en Ciencias por la Universidad Nacional de Salta. Becaria posdoctoral de CONICET, tema de investigación “Diseño energético-ambiental de áreas urbanas en zonas áridas. evaluación de tramas y perfiles en entornos residenciales de baja y media densidad”.

Erica Correa , INAHE - CONICET

Ingeniera Química por la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Doctora en Ciencias por la Universidad Nacional de Salta. Investigadora Independiente de CONICET, tema de investigación “Sustentabilidad energética y ambiental del diseño urbano. Eficiencia de las estrategias de mitigación de la isla de calor en ciudades de clima árido. Generación de herramientas de calificación y evaluación predictiva”.

María Alicia Cantón , INAHE - CONICET

Arquitecta por la Universidad Mendoza, DEA en Arquitectura. Investigadora Principal de CONICET, tema de investigación “Forestación, urbanización y clima. Impacto energético-ambiental de los espacios urbanos y edilicios en ciudades emplazadas en zonas áridas. Diseño eficiente y nuevas tecnologías”


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How to Cite

SOSA, María Belén; CORREA , Erica; CANTÓN , María Alicia. Urban cooling strategies applying at neighborhood scale for facing heatwave events. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 17., 2023. Anais [...]. [S. l.], 2023. p. 1–8. DOI: 10.46421/encac.v17i1.4139. Disponível em: https://eventos.antac.org.br/index.php/encac/article/view/4139. Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.



4. Desempenho Térmico do Ambiente Construído