
  • Karoline Lima do Nascimento UFPE
  • Jaucele Azerêdo Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Ana Clara Cavalcanti de Lima UniFBV


Post-occupation evaluation, day care, standardization, Proinfancia, project


Looking to analise the efficiency of standardization, we've narrowed down that the goal of this research is to accomplish an evaluation after the occupation of the Creche-Escola Presidente Tancredo Neves, located in Barro, Recife - PE. The kindergarten building made use of a standard project that was made available by the Ministry of Education's Proinfância program, which aims at the construction, in national scale, of educational equipments that will enhance the education quality. The evaluation post occupation was made from the point of view of the physical space organization of the construction material and the impact that it has on the environment and the satisfaction of its users. The following methods were used in our research: Unsystematic observation, Walkthrough, Questionnaires, interviews and cognitive maps. The research looked for ways to make the importance of the school project for the kindergarten students, because it could compromise pedagogical activities and the children's development. After reviewing the results, we've learned that the standard project of the daycare needs to better its thermal performance and proposes a change in the implantation of the sectors. It should be emphasized that the diffusion of the research, and the experience that was learned in APO contributes to a better understanding of living interaction between the person and the space that was built, also helps professionals and students of architecture and other similar areas. We also hope it inspires further research in the field.



How to Cite

NASCIMENTO, Karoline Lima do; AZERÊDO, Jaucele; LIMA, Ana Clara Cavalcanti de. AVALIAÇÃO PÓS-OCUPAÇÃO DE UM PROJETO PADRÃO DO PROGRAMA PROINFÂNCIA. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 15., 2019. Anais [...]. [S. l.], 2019. p. 2982–2991. Disponível em: https://eventos.antac.org.br/index.php/encac/article/view/4377. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



7. Conforto Ergonômico e Qualidade Ambiental