
  • Tito Ceci de Sena
  • Paulo Cézar Peixoto de Sena
  • Luiz Philippsen Jr
  • Márcio Fabrício
  • Anja Pratschke



Building information modeling (BIM), Architecture, engineering, construction and maintenance processes (AECM), Portland cement, BIM 4D., BIM 5D


Building information modeling (BIM) is a knowledge domain that is becaming more and more essencial for architecture, engineering, construction and maintenance processes (AECM). This paper discusses the use of BIM as a decision-making support system in AECM. The analysis focused on two main variables: time spent and finantial cost. The Portland cement, types III and V, was choosen as material that influences these two main variables. A seven floor reinforced concrete model building was developed by 3D Autodesk Revit® and analysis secenarios were conducted by Autodesk Navisworks®. Findings show that Portland cement type V has lower final finantial cost and requires less time spent in curing concrete process when compared with Portland cement type III. The BIM 4D (time) and BIM 5D (cost) simulation also identified potencial opportunities for management and reduction of construction waste. Far beyond a pratical material choosing system, the BIM simulations seems to be a catalyst for change in the AECM as a decision-making support system.


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Como Citar

SENA, Tito Ceci de; SENA, Paulo Cézar Peixoto de; PHILIPPSEN JR, Luiz; FABRÍCIO, Márcio; PRATSCHKE, Anja. BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING (BIM) E FERRAMENTAS 4D E 5D PARA SIMULAÇÃO E TOMADA DE DECISÃO NO PROCESSO DE PROJETO DE EDIFICAÇÕES. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 17., 2018. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: ANTAC, 2018. p. 2134–2142. DOI: 10.46421/entac.v17i1.1583. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.

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