Construction, Productivity, Screed, Pumped mortarAbstract
The present work studies the productivity of labor in the execution of screeds in a construction site in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, having as main objective to identify situations and factors that influence the labor’s productivity positively and negatively. Data were collected over seven months for eight building of the studied real estate venture. For such study, the Unitary Production Ratio (RUP) suggested by Souza (2001) was used as an indicator of productivity and analyzes was based on the “Factors Model” proposed by Thomas and Yiakoumis (1987).The workers had a RUPcum of 0,4127 Hh/m² and 11,70% of PPMO, not showing a learning effect over the period. Five main factors were identified, as well as the increase in material consumption, which affected productivity by almost 34% causing a financial loss of 31% to the activity. It has also been found that there is a gain in productivity throughout the week and as lower floors are performed. Finally, it was identified that the increase in the number of workers has worsened the performance of the labor.
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