Watertightness of the Floor System and thermal performance of the External Vertical Sealing System in building retrofit from the perspective of NBR 15575
Performance, Retrofit, External Vertical Sealing System, Floor SystemAbstract
Although it does not contemplate the retrofit of buildings, NBR 15575 (ABNT, 2021) provides the necessary guidelines to assess the fulfillment of user requirements regarding the performance of housing buildings. In this study, it was verified the watertightness of the Floor System (SP) and the percentage of opening for ventilation of the External Vertical Sealing System (SVVE) in the retrofit of a building in the city of Porto Alegre/RS. It was found several inconsistencies through on-site monitoring and standardized evaluation methods, such as the absence of specific projects for the systems and the suppression of critical constituent elements of the SP and SVVE.
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