Effect of substrate and number of coats on thermal emittance measurement of inks
Thermal Emittance, Measurements, Substrates, InksAbstract
Thermal emittance is an important property for characterising materials in buildings. This research evaluates the influence of some substrates and number of paint coats on the thermal emittance of the surface. To carry out the tests, three commercial spray colours were selected (white, silver and green), applied to four types of substrate (ceramic, fibre cement, aluminium and sandpaper). The method was organised into three main stages: preparation and painting of samples, measurement of thermal emittance and analysis of results. The thermal emittance verification was determined based on the ASTM C1371 technical standard and the use of a portable emissometer. The samples were evaluated in the natural surface condition (unpainted) and with paint application (one coat, two coats and three coats). For ceramic, fibre cement and sandpaper substrates in white and green, most samples showed a small variation in relation to the reference, between 0.01 and 0.03 (absolute). Analyses on the aluminium substrate and with silver ink showed significant variations in the emittance value (up to 0.72).
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