Planning in the AEC industry: a Brazilian overview and the adoption of new technologies
Planning, Control, Production, Digital technology, BIMAbstract
The Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry represents a significant portion of Brazil’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), being extremely important for the country. However, it still faces inefficiencies in planning, construction costs, and broader use of digital technologies. Therefore, a study was conducted based on a literature review and a questionnaire with pre-determined response scales and closed questions, involving professionals from the five regions of Brazil. The aim was to identify the obstacles faced in the sector to optimize planning and production control of construction projects and subsequently propose improvements for the market. As a result, the study found that the quality of planning was considered "Fair," and the use of digital technologies ranged from "Moderate" to "Minimal." Given that traditional techniques are predominant in the market and the adherence of projects to medium and long-term schedules is extremely low, it is evident that there is still a large untapped potential in the development and adoption of digital technologies.
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