Long-term Care Facility for Elderly and its relationship with Energy Efficiency and Comfort
Energy Efficiency, Comfort, Building PerformanceAbstract
In a context of significant growth of the elderly population in Brazil, the need to provide quality infrastructure and services for this part of the population becomes more evident. The act of designing a space for the elderly goes beyond the concept of well-being and comfort. Elderly people tend to be more sensitive to extreme temperatures and when we talk about climate change this issue becomes even more evident. The objective of this work is to demonstrate the relationship between long-term care facilities for the elderly and their relationship with energy efficiency and comfort. The methodology consists of developing energy efficiency measures and comfort strategies for the institution so that elderly people can experience them daily and thus build their relationship with these measures. Furthermore, an analysis of the potential for certification is carried out, as well as evaluation of performance standard in accordance with ABNT NBR 15.575. The built environment for the elderly is closely related to energy efficiency and it is essential to encourage this type of designing.
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