Simulation of the thermal behavior of the facades of a block in the historic center of Viseu
Risk of condensation, Historic center, Three-dimensional modeling, Thermal behavior, CitySimAbstract
This work aimed to simulate the thermal behavior of the facades of buildings in the historic center of Viseu, Portugal, for assessing the risk of surface condensation, using the CitySim program. A three-dimensional modeling of the selected block was carried out along with its calibration with the constructive information of the buildings and local climate. We highlighted the periods with risk of external surface condensation on the facades, demonstrating that such risk occurs during a significant percentage of the year. Comparisons were made between two hypothetical scenarios: the introduction of thermal insulation on the interior face of the building facades, resulting in an increase in risk percentage, and the simulation of the increase in outdoor temperatures in a possible climate-change scenario, which generated a decrease of the percentage of hours at risk of condensation. Furthermore, the work allowed us to understand the great versatility of the program and that the program can be used in multiple contexts.
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