Heat Load Calculation: Comparison between Computational Simulation in EnergyPlus and Analytical Method
Heat load, Climate control, Load calculation, EnergyPlus, Thermal energy simulationAbstract
Correctly calculating the thermal load is important for properly sizing room air conditioning. There are several ways to perform this calculation for a space, including the analytical way, using the instructions provided by the NBRs, and the use of computer simulation, using software such as EnergyPlus, which delivers its results in thermal load. The aim of this study is to compare the results of this calculation between the analytical and computer simulation methods, using a hypothetical model building located in Belém do Pará, Brazil. As the main results, comparing the thermal load obtained for the three rooms of the building, it can be seen that the final thermal load values are similar, with a percentage difference of between 6 and 15%, while heat flow calculations between the two methods are not comparable. It can be concluded that, for less complex environments, the method chosen does not significantly influence the choice of air conditioning solutions.
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