Environmental performance assessment
The case of library – campusLAR/UFS
Environmental comfort, Library, Historic buildingAbstract
This article presents the results of the evaluation of the acoustic, thermal, and lighting performance of the Laranjeiras Campus Library (BICAL/UFS), a listed building that has been repurposed, posing a challenge for environmental adaptation. The methodological approach included the following steps: cadastral survey of the physical space, measurements of environmental variables (sound pressure level, reverberation time, air and globe temperatures, relative humidity, air velocity, illuminance), and data analysis. The acoustic, thermal, and lighting comfort parameters showed values outside the limits recommended by specific standards, indicating that the adaptation process of the historic building was not effective in providing comfortable conditions for its users. Furthermore, the need to broaden the discussion on the adaptation of historic buildings for new uses is highlighted, with special attention to BICAL, its users, and the collection housed there.
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