The production of residential buildings in Western Bahia and its impacts on urban image through Instagram:
the case of verticalization in Barreiras/BA
Apartments, Social media, Instagram, Verticalization, Barreiras/BAAbstract
This study exposes the results of the construction process of residential buildings sold in the city of Barreiras/BA, the “Capital of Western Bahia”, as well as the urban image conveyed through the social network as the main tool for engagement and sale of apartments in the city. The objective is to analyze the verticalization of residential buildings and understand the impact of the urban image on life in Barreiras disseminated through the social network Instagram. The methodological tools for research were: the use of a building georeferencing program, survey of the history of verticalization and literature regarding the impact of social media on the formation of the virtual urban image. The proposal is relevant for understanding the architectural production of the first residential buildings in the city of Barreiras (26 buildings since 1992), people's perception and the importance of advertising strategies in disseminating life in apartments in Barreiras. Furthermore, the study was started in 2021 through scientific initiation in the IFBA Architecture course and allowed the identification of 14 hashtags and the recording of the verticalization process that takes place late in the region.
Keywords: Apartments. Social media. Instagram. Verticalization. Barreiras/BA
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