
  • Mateus Ferreira de Castro UFCAT
  • Paula Campos Perini UFCAT
  • Kamilla Carneiro Máximo UFCAR
  • Heber Martins de Paula UFCAT



Rice Husk Ash, Mortars, Civil Construction, Sustainability


Rice husk ash (RHA) has great potential for reuse as a pozzolanic material. This work aimed to verify the feasibility of partial replacement of Portland cement by RHA in the production of mortar. Initially, the RHA was ground in a ball mill, then chemical
characterization by X-ray fluorescence; as well as physical analyzes from the fineness index, moisture content and particle density. The research resources were: reference (TR) 1: 1: 6 (in mass), without the use of RHA; with 10% (T10); 20% (T20) and 30% (T30) of RHA to replace the cement. The specimens were tested at 3, 7 and 28 days to obtain tensile strength in flexion and simple compression. In the early ages, the resistance of strokes with the addition of ash did not exceed the resistance of the TR. The specimens with ash incorporation showed superior resistance to TR at 28 days, due to the pozzolanic activity of the RHA being slower than that of cement, a value up to 37% higher. It can be said that RHA is a viable and effective material for the production of mortars.


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How to Cite

CASTRO, Mateus Ferreira de; PERINI, Paula Campos; MÁXIMO, Kamilla Carneiro; DE PAULA, Heber Martins. INCORPORAÇÃO DE CINZA DE CASCA DE ARROZ PARA PREPARAÇÃO DE ARGAMASSAS DE ASSENTAMENTO E REVESTIMENTO. In: NATIONAL MEETING OF BUILT ENVIRONMENT TECHNOLOGY, 18., 2020. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: ANTAC, 2020. p. 1–8. DOI: 10.46421/entac.v18i.685. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

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