Risk management, Occupational risks, Heat stress, Physical risk, Cidades inteligentesAbstract
This work aims to demonstrate the technical feasibility of estimating the wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT) for the external environment through data measured in conventional meteorological stations using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). To this end, it was installed a natural wet bulb and globe thermometers in a conventional meteorological station with the purpose of calculating the IBUTG synchronously with the variables of temperature, humidity and air speed, as well as direct solar radiation and atmospheric pressure. ANN training was conducted using 81 days of measurements. Some RNA configurations have been modified in order to find the one with the best performance for the network. For the training validation test, a day with clear sky conditions was selected, with synoptic conditions that impose high heat stress. The WBGT estimated by the ANN followed the daily cycle of the measured IBUTG, with an average daily square error of 0.3060C, which corresponds to a percentage error of only 1%. The technical feasibility of estimating WBGT with adequate precision from meteorological data is proven, which allows the ANN technique to be used as an occupational risk management strategy.
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