Thermal performance, Computational simulation, NBR 15575Abstract
The Brazilian performance standard for residential buildings, NBR 15575, defines performance thresholds for dwellings. Since 2019, the thermal performance, addressed in the 11th item of the standard, has been reviewed by a study commission, that develops a new proposal. Thus, the objective of this work is to present the proposal to define the thermal performance scale. Based on computational simulations analysis, the assessment of the minimum performance level was settled by the percentage of occupied hours in which the operative temperature of the extensively used rooms is within a range of interest (PHFT) and by the maximum and minimum operative temperatures. To define the evaluation scales for the intermediate and superior performance, a database was developed, which was used to analyze the distribution of the PHFT’s increase regarding only cases performing higher than minimum level. To define the superior level scale, the distribution of the total thermal load reduction was analyzed, taking only cases performing within the intermediate level into acount. It is stated that the scales were developed considering the weather of the building’s location.
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