Performance Standards, Thermal Absorbance, Thermal PerformanceAbstract
Currently, Brazil has only two technical standards on the thermal performance of buildings and both adopt the same bioclimatic zoning. For all these zones, the standards indicate the adoption of construction systems that, among other requirements, meet a maximum limit for the Thermal Transmittance of roofs and external walls, in addition to defining the absorbance when establishing the Solar Gain Factor. This paper presents an evaluation of the thermal performance of a standard building using different locking systems, so that this combination can contribute to produce a database that supports new revisions of these standards. This evaluation took place through simulations using the EnergyPlus software in its Version 8.5. For these simulations, a standard environment of 6.00 x 6.00 x 3.00 (dimensions in meters) was taken with the limit properties established by NBR15220 and some models that will have a variation in the thermal absorption of these systems and thus define the need or not for thermal insulation in buildings and thus, contributing to the awareness of professionals regarding the production of efficient buildings from the thermal and energy point of view.
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