ENTAC2020, Short Paper, Extended Abstract, PublicationAbstract
The article has as its theme the management of urban projects, having as reference the concepts of smart cities, or "Smart Cities", of several authors and their connections with urban planning and initiatives in the Brazilian city of Salvador. Among the initiatives, three urban projects were evaluated by citizens: 1) BRT ("Bus Rapid Transit"); 2) Urban Intervention in Farol da Barra and 3) Salvador Metro. The general objective of the research is to present the perception of citizens about urban projects of mobility and requalification of public spaces in Salvador from the perspective of concept and dimensions considered in the "Smart Cities". This is an exploratory research and the methodology comprises research in the current literature (books and scientific articles), as well as field research that took place from March/2019 to March/2020. As a result of the exploratory research, three specific objectives were obtained, namely: a) the citizen considers that the "Smart Cities" is the one that helps to improve the quality of life; (b) the most appropriate action to improve urban mobility is infrastructure; and that c) The Intervention in Farol da Barra is the project that provides the greatest benefit to the population.
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