O impacto do tamanho das aberturas no conforto de ambientes naturalmente ventilados
Thermal comfort; Natural ventilation; OpeningsAbstract
Natural ventilation plays an important role in the thermal comfort conditions of residential buildings in hot climates. With the objective of evaluating the impacts caused by the variation of the openings size in the thermal comfort in a single-family dwelling, computer simulations of thermoenergetic performance were carried out in different cities representing each of the bioclimatic zones, according to the NBR 15.220 [1]. The apertures were varied in three size configurations as established in the Mahoney Tables: small, medium and large, with a fourth configuration being evaluated corresponding to large apertures with the presence of a shading device. The results obtained showed differences for each zone, but in general, the best conditions of thermal comfort were guaranteed by large openings for the bedrooms and small openings for the rooms or large and shaded openings. The present work is part of a work of Voluntary Scientific Initiation in progress.
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