Habitação social, Legislação urbana, Projeto urbano, ODS, GuaratibaAbstract
This article is the result of the work developed in the discipline “International Studio - Project the Local, Thinking Global: The Housing Problem and the UN SDG 2030” developed in the Graduate Program in Architecture (PROARQ/FAU/UFRJ) in partnership with School of Architecture and Engineering Technology from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (SAET/FAMU). The objective was to develop a master plan for a previously chosen land in the neighborhood of Guaratiba, west of the city of Rio de Janeiro, which presents extreme socio-environmental challenges. a review of urban legislation. The methodology used in carrying out this work consisted of: (1) analyzing the potentialities and obstacles of the terrain and surroundings; (2) associate the urban diagnosis of the terrain with some of the 17 sustainable development goals established by the UN in the “Agenda 2030”, (3) elaboration of the masterplan, and finally (4) the elaboration of preliminary studies of the buildings proposed in the masterplan. The results presented in this article show the sustainability solutions employed in the masterplan that can support future studies on the Guaratiba region, which indicate that it is possible to promote occupation, responding to the housing deficit and the demand for urban equipment, and at the same time to expand the unbuilt areas, associating leisure with green and blue urban infrastructure, in the region of Guaratiba.
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