Sensitization for future consultancy and technical assistance exercises? Notes on participatory project practices in undergraduate education
Social responsibility, Participatory project, TeaTeaching-research-extensionAbstract
Design with social responsibility has been consolidated as a new agenda in contemporary architectural culture, but there are few experiences that address it in undergraduate teaching. In view of this, the study aims to discuss the limitations and potential of introducing participatory design to undergraduates, understood as a form of insertion into this new agenda. To this end, it takes as its object of reflection one of the practices of a project that, since 2021, has articulated teaching and extension and is shaped as action research. Based on theoretical statements, the results of the dialogical interactions and interdisciplinary approaches promoted are analyzed, as well as possible impacts on student training and social transformation. In conclusion, despite recognizing the various obstacles to what is proposed, we identify the sensitization of students to the exercise of a project that is attentive to social
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