Approach to green certifications and SDG 11 for the design of a sustainable city.
SDG 11, LEED ND and GBC, environmental certifications, urban environment, sustainabilityAbstract
Investigating the urban approach to certifications and SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) allows for an objective analysis of the criteria and parameters used, providing insights into the potential impacts on the development and conception of plans and projects at different scales of the city. The projected growth of the urban population in the coming years leads to the need for a specific perspective in the planning and design of cities. In this regard, there are different certifications aimed at assessing urban sustainability, which utilize evaluation tools based on criteria categorized according to specific dimensions of the built environment. Thus, the present study aims to comparatively analyze two of the main environmental certifications adopted in the Brazilian territory, from the perspective of conceiving a sustainable city. The LEED and GBC Casa e Condomínio certifications were selected as case studies and compared with the goals set for SDG 11. Through a comparison matrix, relevant items for a sustainable city were identified, as present in the certifications and study's SDGs. The results indicate that within the certification context, LEED certification is more representative, mainly due to its specific category for urban space analysis: LEED ND (Neighborhood Development).
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